FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue

FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
sports bottle with refreshing towel


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Termenul mediu de livrare pentru FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue : 3-4 zile lucratoare

Pentru promotionalele cu stoc intern in Bucuresti, livrarea se face in ziua imediat urmatoare.

Cod articol promotional:
Disponibilitate :
Categorie feed:
All products/Fitness & Bottles
190T polyester microfiber, polypropylene, ABS plastic
La favorite
Info produs
Info produs
Numar Articol
Royal Design
Info personalizare
Pad print A3-side 1-30x45 mm-4
Original name
FEEL COOL sports bottle with refreshing towel, blue
Tariff Number
6302 93 90 00
Tara de origine
Cool towel in a bottle (dimension after unfolding 90 x 35 cm). Great sweat absorption and sunstroke prevention. Excellent cooling and refreshing effect. Made from breathable material. How it works ? Just dip the towel in cold water, then wring and shake it. After a few seconds the towel is cool and ready for use. Each new shake re-cools the towel.


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